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Mykola Dyletsky. «O sweet light, Michael the Archangel»

The concert «O Sweet Light, Michael the Archangel» presents a musical evocation of the 13 th kontakion of the Akathistos dedicated to Holy Archistratigus Michael and all bodiless powers, which sounds three times at the end of a liturgy. Dyletsky symbolically interprets its content, evoking the image of the divine light with musical means (flows of fair descending melody lines at the words «sweet light», descending lines of vocal duets of long duration in the final part of «Halleluiah») and counterpoising it to human requests («Accept our present offering»).

English translation

O sweet light,
Michael the Archangel,
O sweet light,
Michael the Commander,
O sweet light,
All-encompassing heavenly beauty.
Accept our present offering,
and from all calamity
deliver us,
and from the future torment
save all who sing: Hallelujah.

Akathist to St. Michael the Archangel, variation of kontakion 13. Translated by Halyna Hlodz.

Original text

О, сладкий свѣте,
Михаиле архангеле,
О, сладкий свѣте,
Михаиле начальниче,
О, сладкий свѣте,
Четверосвѣтимая небу красото.
Прими нынѣшнее приношение,
и от всякия бѣды
всѣх нас избави
и будущия изми муки
вѣрно поющия: Аллилуйя.

Akathist to St. Michael the Archangel, variation of kontakion 13.

Track list

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