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Mykola Dyletsky. «Thy boundless compassion»

The concerts «God’s forebear David» (3 rd troparion of the 4 th Ode), «Thy boundless compassion» (1 st troparion of the 5 th Ode) and «We feast death’s slaughter» (2 nd troparion of the 7 th Ode) are dedicated to the Easter holiday, their lyrics rest on troparia of the Easter canon of Reverend John of Damascus in the version, common for the Kyiv Metropolitanate. The pieces are accepted as one cycle, since they are close by the subject, choral set (descant–descant–bass–bass, descant–descant–descant–bass) and musical material.

Similarly to the other Easter concerts, in the «Thy boundless compassion» Dyletsky resorts to colouristic effects, adapted to temple acoustics: multiple repetition of melodic phrases (e.g., «with joyful steps»), sometimes – on organ pedals («press forward to the light» – on a dominant, three-voice endless canon at the word «praising» – on a subdominant) slow down and enlarge the harmonic structure of the pieces, producing a monumental musical fresco of the bright holiday of Resurrection of Christ.

English translation

Thy boundless compassion
Those who by Hades’ bonds
were chained,
seeing thy
measureless compassion,
press forward to the light, o Christ,
with joyful steps,
praising the eternal Passover.

Paschal canon of St. John of Damascus, odes IV, V, and VII. Translation based on the texts used by the Church of Antioch in the United Kingdom and the Church of Antioch in the United States.

Original text

Твое милосердие,
иже адовыми узами
содержими, зряще,
ко свѣту идяху, Христе,
веселыми ногами,
Пасху хваляще вѣчную.

Paschal canon of St. John of Damascus Ode VII, 2 nd troparion

Track list

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